
Searching for Christie Brinkley

One of my favorite hobbies is antiquing and flea market hunting.  There's something very cinematic about searching for hidden treasure or that diamond in the rough, which I think is why I love it so much.  When I'm in a store I even fantasize about turning the corner & finding the item of my dreams that I have been coveting.  Oh look!  It's a supermodel in a sports car!  OK that's not what I've been coveting, but if I were starring in National Lampoon's Vacation, that's exactly what I would say.  Some people might call these items "white rabbits" but I call them "Christie Brinkleys."

I love antiques like Clark Griswold loves Red Ferrari Girl

What items make my heart go all 50 Shades of Gray?

Here's my forever list:

Nyla Free Designs
An Oversized Free-Standing Mirror
Oh the possibilities for limitless vanity!

A Tête-à-Tête Chair
Sure this one's from Anthropologie so the aged dirt marks were scrubbed in by a 20 year old intern wearing Prada, but I'm sure it's a reproduction of something authentic.


A Circular Sofa
I guess I like the idea of circular seating.  It'd be badass in our loft.


Here's a taller version.
After Google Imaging "pyramid coffee table" and enduring millions of pixels of heinousness like this, I finally found the source:

Via Pinterest
Vintage Paolo PIVA Alanda coffee table
Sold by B&B Italia in the 80's.  I want it.  I love it.  I don't care if babies might stab themselves on it.

Vintage Glass Display Case
Just like this one that resides in a home on Park Avenue.  I'm sure we're on the same budget.

An artfully tattered Louis XV chair  
I can just see my husband's eyes rolling now.

Vintage Industrial Lighting
Must work.  I ain't no electrician.

Lucite Vanity Chair
Or anything lucite, really.  I LOVE LUCITE!

A crayon drawing by Jackson Pollock, age 5
I don't really care about the priceless art.  But when I hear stories about people accidentally buying undiscovered masterpieces worth butt-loads of money, it makes me want to buy all the crappy flea market art I can find.

What about you?  What are your Christie Brinkley finds?  I'd love to know, cause I'll probably love them too.  And then we'll BOTH be looking for them, so we'll kinda be in competition.   OH CRAP, what have I done?
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