
PostScript Brooklyn

So this weekend I finally began writing thank you notes for the wedding.  It took me forever to get the stationery in because I was an idiot and didn't order them along with the rest of my wedding invitations.  But they HAD TO MATCH so I placed another order after the wedding and patiently awaited their arrival.

In case you couldn't already tell, I go ape-shit crazy over stationery.  If you have ever gotten a letter/note/birthday card from me rest assured I spend the better half of a day AT LEAST picking it out.  I'm seriously the person who reads every single card in the card store.  And I buy the $7 laser-cut, hand sewn, bejazzled cards.  But not the ones that play music, those are just ridiculous.

Naturally, picking out my wedding stationery was a task in and of itself.  I came across PostScript Brooklyn and loved their stuff- all done by local Brooklyn artists.  They'll do letterpress or digital and will totally work with you to customize something.  My favorite designs were their Cityscapes collections of various NYC landmarks cause I'm obsessed with NYC.  But they do other stuff too.  And if they can draw the Chrysler building I'm sure they could totally draw the St. Louis arch, or that dumb LOVE sign from Philly.  

And they totally didn't pay me to say any of this so don't worry, this isn't one of those BS sponsored posts you see on other blogs.  I would never do that (unless you want to pay me to do that, then I would totally consider it).

Third Street



Grand Central Station
Spring Street

San Remo

Photo by Heather Waraksa

Photo by Heather Waraksa
And here's my invitation suite- which I used elements of the San Remo collection but did a custom illustration for the invite card.  I'm a little crazy too cause I went on Ebay for weeks to buy vintage stamps of the Brooklyn Bridge and flowers.  But I'm not crazy enough to post our real address.  SUCKERS!

Hope you all had a stalkerific weekend!

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Anonymous said...

I LOVE STATIONERY. In middle school, I blew all my money on pretty stationery that I kept in a box and would lovingly stare at it. I have some bills that are all stamped and ready to go (yep, I still use snail mail for some accounts), but I refuse to send them until my address labels arrive. I picked out the font myself like a big girl!

Beth said...

SO funny- I am totally guilty of loving my stationery so much I don't want to use it! Hope those bills make it on time- though depending on the awesomeness of the labels, it may be worth the late fees :)

JoanT1015 said...

Thank you for making my day! My husband, Andrew Torres created the illustrations for most of the PS Brooklyn Suites you featured. Seaport, being the original spark and design for our own wedding invitations. I actually cried when I saw this blog. Thank you again.

Joan Torres

Beth said...

Hi Joan!

Thanks so much for leaving a message. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your husband's illustrations- what a talent! Seaport is one of my most favorites :) I'm so happy you stopped by the blog!


Unknown said...

Those examples you showed are awesome. But, "that dumb LOVE sign in Philly" :(

Beth said...

Thanks Kayla. And I'm just teasing about the LOVE sign!

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