
The Perfectly Imperfect Bed

My goal in life is to have one of those beds that looks good unkempt. Mostly because unkempt is a terrific adjective for my collective existence and making my bed consistently is about as likely as me asking Miley Cyrus for styling tips.

These beds never have to try too hard:







I love how these beds look not perfect but perfectly inviting.

If you're young and still into sleeping on unconventional surfaces and/or in other people's beds, you probably don't care about bed comfort as much as I do. But to me, this topic is pretty fucking important. And I should know, my mattress is on its last springs. 

I recently bought a linen duvet and shams, as well as 800 thread count sheets. The sheets look crisp even when unironed (as IF I'd ever iron my sheets), and linen looks good rumpled. Now all I need is a new mattress. I don't feel like buying a mattress but it's kinda the whole point, right?

Now, time for a nap...

Riot on,

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Cawfee Tawk with Flo Rida

This post is like The View, except instead of gabbing with a cast of 4 ever-rotating screechy estro-egos of nondescript age and political affiliation, we're going to coffee klatch about actual coffee tables... with Flo Rida.

What kind of coffee tables does Flo Rida like?

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

This is way more fun than The View. 

You see, I just bought a new sectional sofa that is oh-so-cool in a loungy type of way. I feel like a gangsta 4 life as I watch The Biggest Loser. The only problem is, my current coffee table just doesn't catch the vibe. I need to go low.

Here's the design explanation: Contrast is very appealing to the eyes. Because my loft has nice high ceilings, the best way to highlight this feature is to show them off. Draw the eye up and down- see! so much space WOW! Our wall-to-ceiling Ikea Expedit shelves to a great job of drawing the eye up, and our new sofa stays low to the ground, creating this cool contrast. The coffee table needs to go with the flow. It's simply another way to play with proportions to create an exciting and appealing visual.

Here are some examples:




See what I mean? You gotta go low to get high, isn't that right Flo-Rida?

Here is a round-up of my fave low riders for Chez Benson:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

1. Siren Coffee Table- 10" height, $599

2. Origami Coffee Table- 15" height, $599

3. Tom Dixon Flash Square, Circle, and Rectangle- 12" height, $995 (for square), 15.7" height, $715 (for circle), 19.7" height, $525 (for rectangle)

4. Knoll Krusin- 10" height, $2797

As you can tell by the prices, low does not mean slumming. What do you think? Which type works best with the new sofa?


Tell me what you think!

Riot on,

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Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me

No not really. 

More like Depraved Digital Negligence. 

I know I've been absent. Some might say negligent. Some might even say I'm the Teen Mom of the blog world... and you'd be right!

(The greatest crime might be that I made myself over 6 feet tall)

But even when mamma disappears for hours, days, weeks, months, it doesn't mean mamma doesn't love you. I WISH I'd been out augmenting body parts by day and violating parole by night, but the reality is much less exciting so I'll spare you tedium. Stress, work, blah blah blah... Oh you too?!!!

Needless to say, I've missed you! Despite the radio silence I have been making serious upgrades in my apartment and my life. I can't wait until my blogging behaviors don't lend themselves so gracefully to metaphors of under-educated teenage mothers making poor life choices!

I WILL BE BACK! In the near future. With some new ideas.

Here's a few sneak peaks!

New Blue Sofa!

New Art + Updated Gallery Wall

New Coffee Table Obsession- Tom Dixon at ABC Home

Still my favorite boys... not everything has to be new!

Riot on,

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