
The Perfectly Imperfect Bed

My goal in life is to have one of those beds that looks good unkempt. Mostly because unkempt is a terrific adjective for my collective existence and making my bed consistently is about as likely as me asking Miley Cyrus for styling tips.

These beds never have to try too hard:







I love how these beds look not perfect but perfectly inviting.

If you're young and still into sleeping on unconventional surfaces and/or in other people's beds, you probably don't care about bed comfort as much as I do. But to me, this topic is pretty fucking important. And I should know, my mattress is on its last springs. 

I recently bought a linen duvet and shams, as well as 800 thread count sheets. The sheets look crisp even when unironed (as IF I'd ever iron my sheets), and linen looks good rumpled. Now all I need is a new mattress. I don't feel like buying a mattress but it's kinda the whole point, right?

Now, time for a nap...

Riot on,

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Dante Storey said...

Mattress-hunting is one of those things people don't like to do often, but have to do it anyway. And do it right, you must have an idea on how comfortable a good night's sleep should be. But replicating that when buying mattresses is doubly hard. This means you have to be extra sure when making the final decision, and check out if everything's perfect before having it delivered.
Dante Storey @ HealthyBedStore.com

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