
Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me

No not really. 

More like Depraved Digital Negligence. 

I know I've been absent. Some might say negligent. Some might even say I'm the Teen Mom of the blog world... and you'd be right!

(The greatest crime might be that I made myself over 6 feet tall)

But even when mamma disappears for hours, days, weeks, months, it doesn't mean mamma doesn't love you. I WISH I'd been out augmenting body parts by day and violating parole by night, but the reality is much less exciting so I'll spare you tedium. Stress, work, blah blah blah... Oh you too?!!!

Needless to say, I've missed you! Despite the radio silence I have been making serious upgrades in my apartment and my life. I can't wait until my blogging behaviors don't lend themselves so gracefully to metaphors of under-educated teenage mothers making poor life choices!

I WILL BE BACK! In the near future. With some new ideas.

Here's a few sneak peaks!

New Blue Sofa!

New Art + Updated Gallery Wall

New Coffee Table Obsession- Tom Dixon at ABC Home

Still my favorite boys... not everything has to be new!

Riot on,

Pin It!


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